With the methods described on the previous pages, we aim to uncover postreceptoral computation of the intact human retina. This is achieved by optical isolation of single photoreceptors and their contribution to the visual percept, interrogated during psychophysical experiments. Start by reviewing the two book chapters that give an overview of cell-targeted psychophysics. These projects are carried out in close collaboration with the Sincich lab and Tuten lab.
Tuten WS*, Harmening WM*, Sabesan R, Roorda A, Sincich LC (2017) Spatiochromatic interactions between individual cone photoreceptors in the human retina.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(39): 9498-9509 [doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0529-17.2017]
Harmening WM*, Tuten WS*, Roorda A, Sincich LC (2014) Mapping the perceptual grain of the human retina. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16):5667-5677 [doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5191-13.2014]
Sincich LC, Sabesan R, Tuten WS, Roorda A, Harmening WM (2016)
Functional Imaging of Cone Photoreceptors.

In: Baraas R, Marshall J, Kremers J (eds.) Human Color Vision.
Volume 5 of the Springer Series in Vision Research. pp 71-104
Harmening WM, Sincich LC (2019)
Adaptive Optics for Photoreceptor-Targeted Psychophysics.

In: Bille J (ed.) High resolution Imaging in Microscopy and Ophthalmology, Springer, Cham. pp 359-375
Further reading