Useful links Sign up to the Color and Vision Network mailing list The European Vision Institute, website hosted by U-Tübingen The peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia RetNet: Genes/Loci causing retinal disease Useful numbers in vision Andrew Stockman's cone fundamentals Colorblind? Find your favorite colors for figures and design Matlab routines for analyzing psychophysical data Psignifit 3.0 for Matlab Calculate that Airy disk diameter Explore the joy of convolution The definitive link, software and ref resource An excellent resource on visual illusions THE tool to assess human acuity and hyperacuity

We publish some of our code in our github repositories and in repositories linked to the Consortium for Retinal Imaging and Tracking Experiments (C-RITE).

IGUIDE: For developers, check our github site or C-RITE for the latest source code.
For users, please download the latest binaries (v.0.3.9) + documentation via this link.

The Gertrud Kusen Stiftung, Hamburg (Project title: Scotocpic-AOSLO), the Carl Zeiss Foundation (HC-AOSLO), the Dr. Eberhard and Hilde Rüdiger Stiftung (Bino-SLO), Novartis Pharma GmbH, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, Ha 5323/8-1), and the German Research Foundation, DFG (Ha 5323/2-1, Ha 5323/3-1, Ha 5323/4-1, Ha 5323/5-1: Emmy Noether Program, Ha 5323/6-1: DFG SPP 2127). Thank you!

We are grateful for financial support from a number of public funding sources:
Research funding
Andrew Metha, University of Melbourne, Australia - [Metha lab]
Ulrich Ettinger, University of Bonn, Germany - [Ettinger lab]
Austin Roorda, University of California, Berkeley, USA - [Roorda lab]
Ramkumar Sabesan, University of Washington, Seattle, USA - [SabLab]
Bilge Sayim, University of Bern, Switzerland - [AppearanceLab] [SCALab]
Lawrence Sincich, Univeristy of Alabama, Birmingham, USA - [Sincich lab]
William Tuten, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA - [Tuten lab]

Reiniger JL, Harmening WM (2021), “Human foveal cone topography and preferred retinal locus of fixation”, Mendeley Data, V1, [doi:10.17632/9gkpxsmz23.1iment] [Paper] [PDF]

Domdei N, Harmening W (2023), “Foveal cone photoreceptor outer segment length and cone density”, Mendeley Data, V1, [doi:10.17632/89rykrg8j2.1] [Paper] [PDF]


We couldn't be more grateful to the folks we talk to, learn from and exchange ideas and data the most. Some of our dear national and international collaborators are:
The awesome photos in the headers on theses research pages, SYSDEV, SINGLECELL, and FUTURE, were taken by Volker Lannert,
Our AOSLO beam made visible with dry ice. Light sheet imaging :).
Maximillian Freiberg (2022) Bestimmung des bevorzugten retinalen Fixationsortes unter monokularen versus binokularen Fixationsbedingungen mittels binokularer Scanning Laser Ophthalmoskopie, B.Sc. thesis [PDF]

Niklas Domdei (2021) Single cell visual psychophysics, Ph.D. thesis [PDF]

Lennart Domdei (2020) Design und Aufbau eines binokularen tracking scanning Laser Ophthalmoskops zur Messung von binokularen Fixationsaugenbewegungen, M.Sc. thesis [PDF]

Sobika Sugunasabesan (2018) Psychophysical determination of the polarization perception during dark adaptation, B.Sc. thesis [PDF]

Lennart Domdei (2017) Hochkontrast-Modulation einer Laserlichtquelle für hintergrundfreie Mikrostimulation im adaptive optics scanning laser Ophthalmoskop, B.Sc. thesis [PDF]

Anna-Marina van der Meer (2010) The influence of stimulus configuration in visual
hyperacuity tasks on test repeatability, B.Sc. thesis [PDF]

Wolf Harmening (2008) Fundamentals of spatial vision in the barn owl—Ocular aberrations, grating acuity, contrast sensitivity, and vernier acuity, Ph.D. thesis [PDF]

Wolf Harmening (2005) Measuring vernier and stereo acuity as a function of luminance in the barn owl (Tyto alba), Diplomarbeit [PDF]

Reiniger JL, Lukyanova V, Harmening WM (2024), “Sub-cone visual resolution by active, adaptive sampling in the human foveola”, Mendeley Data, V1, [doi:10.17632/zp6d5w8kdv.1] [Paper] [PDF]